Thursday, October 14, 2010

Improving my creativity...

My personal goal to improve my creativity is to always keep dreaming and imagining. If you don't take the time to dare to dream you'll never uncover what your mind has to offer. Creativity and inspiration can come from the smallest of things. Have you ever looked up at the sky and picked out what shapes the clouds are? There is a moment where your creativity is soaring. Simple times like those can bring about the craziest of ideas. I also believe that no matter how "crazy" an idea is; it is always possible. The people who dare to dream are what make up our worlds inventions. If they didn't our world would be much different. There would be no internet, computer, telephone, electricity, etc. What would it be like if there was no creativity? Would we ever exist? There is so much to be thought of, discovered, and designed in the future. So, I'll dare to dream and continue to make our world what it is today. Will you?

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